Hey, How’s That Global Warming Working For Ya’ Al Gore?

Al Gore's Hearing on Global Warming

Image via Wikipedia

Now I don’t pretend to be an expert by any stretch of the imagination but we all know Al Gore does and I’d like to know how he’s explaining away all this snow and cold across our country this winter?

I do not believe Al has any formal training in Meteorology or weather, yet he still persists in hanging onto his Global Warming jargon even after the brouhaha came out that half of the data was false.

Now even with most of the country covered in snow and under a deep freeze he is still sticking with his Global Warming Theory, stating that of course it makes sense that snow is to be expected…go figure.

I think Al Gore can make any scenario fit his criteria if he tries hard enough, because it’s what he BELIEVES and wants to believe not hard science. That has been shown and proved when the truth was shown when the experts disagreed with his opinion in the emails in the unveiling of the truth in the brouhaha that was unveiled and glossed over months ago…does anyone remember that?

About Evie Garone

I am an outspoken woman with independent views of the world. I am spiritual but also realistic. I've successfully raised two men who I've sent off to college and am now following my love of the arts, including painting, drawing and writing. Thus, two blogs, two books I sporadically work on, voracious reading, among other loves keep me busy.
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3 Responses to Hey, How’s That Global Warming Working For Ya’ Al Gore?

  1. Global Warming doesn’t mean warm weather. To sum it up in Laymen’s terms, it’s extreme weather (hot or cold), extreme temperature changes, climate, and eventually a climat shift.


    • Evie Garone says:

      As far as I know, my point was tongue in cheek that Al Gore (with a mansion in CA. with 8 fireplaces) is a fool for trying to blame all weather changes on the human factor since we have had cyclical ice ages since the beginning of time


  2. Yeah, earth is going to fix itself … and we have to do nothing. Right.
    In the beginning of times, as you put it, human beings didn’t have that much of an influence on the environment … now we do.


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