Blogging, Comments & Spam . . .

I have an average of about 55 readers a day to my blog besides my loyal 14 readers who actually are Active Subscribers . . . whoo hooo ! Unfortunately people seem a little reluctant to comment . . . perhaps they do not have anything to add to my commentary, perhaps they are shy, I do not know.

What I do know is I get an inordinate amount of comments in the spam category which is funny . . . and they mostly have nothing to do with my blogs. They mostly make NO sense, but what many do have in common is they mention debt. consolidation or some kind of money lending, after they give me ridiculous compliments in incorrect English showing that English is most definitely NOT their first language. I find this most amusing and  I wonder if anyone falls for this? Does anyone not immediately delete this spam?

Or do others un-spam these messages, and take these people up on their offer to be part of their Newsletters to make money? Interesting concept, I’m sure?!

Perhaps I’m missing the boat? Perhaps I’m the stupid one, missing out on many opportunities to make a lot of money and get more attention and a higher readership? Hmmmm, if so will someone let me know?? Ha, Ha!

Perhaps, now I’ll get the much wanted comments?

(C) Written by Evelyn Garone 7/2011

About Evie Garone

I am an outspoken woman with independent views of the world. I am spiritual but also realistic. I've successfully raised two men who I've sent off to college and am now following my love of the arts, including painting, drawing and writing. Thus, two blogs, two books I sporadically work on, voracious reading, among other loves keep me busy.
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6 Responses to Blogging, Comments & Spam . . .

  1. Dan Bain says:

    I can relate. Tell you what — I’ll comment on your blog if you’ll comment on mine!


  2. James says:

    I live in Ahwatukee and just found this blog thru a Goggle+ sparks link. I’ll stop by from time to time to see what you are blogging.


  3. Pingback: Too Many Spam from IMO « morningtology

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