A Little Christmas Cheer

As I find the Christmas and New Years holiday fast approaching I realize that most of my blogs of late have been a little snarky and I decided that it was time to celebrate the season with some cheer.

It is the day before the day before Christmas and all through the house, everything is prepared… the fire is burning, the family is gathered and it’s time to take a relaxing breath, slow down and just enjoy being together.

How easy it is to get busy and forget the true meaning of Christmas. The cards are sent, the presents are wrapped and the tree is up and decorated so it’s finally time to actually sit back and enjoy our efforts . . . hallelujah !

We’d been avoiding the hectic nature of traffic and last minute shopping though my son and I did endeavour to try a last minute dash for a little something extra for my husband. The mission should have been aborted before we even left . . . the traffic is horrible and men will not ask for help. My son was looking for the “RoboStir”  the automatic stirrer “As Seen On TV”. I thought it might be of use when my husband makes red sauce so I mentioned it to my son and as I had decided to take Spooky The Cat for last minute claw-trimming we decided to go on the mission and kill two birds with one stone.

Unfortunately, it then regressed into a shenanigan. We found no “Robostir” at any drug store we went to. And I’m talkin’ every single one in our area……Now, I’m not really 100% convinced there weren’t any anywhere since my son went in the store alone, as I sat in the car and watched Spooky in his carrier case. We didn’t want to leave Spooky alone, but each time as my son came out I asked him if he asked anyone who worked there, he said “naw, I got this” and swore he looked everywhere in the store, but no one had it! Hmmmmmmmm….sounds fishy to me…why can’t men ask for help? Is that so hard, will that really tarnish their manhood? I bet at least one of the places we visited had it, perhaps his inscrutable search was lacking?

On to my wonderful husband and his Christmas shopping habits which never cease to amuse me. As he was speaking on the phone yesterday, I couldn’t help but overhear him brag that all his shopping was done. As I harrumphed, and mumbled out loud to myself…thinking he had not had the time to do shopping and since I had done all the family’s shopping, how dare he brag, I continued mumbling and grousing as he finished his phone call. After he got off, he teased me about teasing him, all in fun in our family, or so I thought. The next morning when I walked by the tree there in the branches were two envelopes for me. . . .from Santa (my Mr.). Uh oh, you can’t even tease at this time of the year. So be careful out there, Santa’s watching!

I hope you all get what you would like, perhaps some surprises…and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with your family.

I shall return with some new blogs after my Christmas hiatus. I would like to thank all of my faithful readers for reading, I really appreciate you perusing my ramblings…don’t be shy sharing my site if you enjoy them. I hope I find some inspiration during my holiday and come back with some great ideas to write about…don’t forget Santa and I are watching!

(C) Written by Evelyn Garone 12/23/11

About Evie Garone

I am an outspoken woman with independent views of the world. I am spiritual but also realistic. I've successfully raised two men who I've sent off to college and am now following my love of the arts, including painting, drawing and writing. Thus, two blogs, two books I sporadically work on, voracious reading, among other loves keep me busy.
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  1. incaunipocrit says:

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