Thinking Of Writing Again

I haven’t been on here in so long…When the tumult that happened in 2016 with the division in America amongst family & friends hit me personally I stopped writing. I’ve missed this outlet – I have been on Social Media but just plain, real Writing IS THERAPUTIC..SO here I am again!

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I’m Baaaaaaaack!

I was “speaking” (dm’ing) to my friends on Twitter & joking about changing my handle to either “Evie Says” like here or “Yellow Bird” ( a name a Native American gave me at a casino. When I mentioned having a Blog…a few said they’d LOVE to read it…so it inspired me to start blogging again.

So here I AM!

I’m not sure what I want to speak about yet…I need to find my writing voice again because it’s been a long while since I’ve written here….

I have taken a shine to Twitter & have been very active there…I love it for politics! THAT is where I speak of that…I’m not sure I want to do that here…sometimes we ALL need a break from that dirty word!


So thank you for reading & I’m open to suggestions for what people would be interested in hearing….


©Evelyn Garone 1/25/20



Posted in Blogging, Uncategorized, writing | 2 Comments

THERE is NO other choice but #Trump!

Dear Citizens of America, I have a call to arms to all for today! We MUST #Vote Trump in this coming election! I have listened to other sides besides my Pro-Trump view and listened clearly to these …

Source: THERE is NO other choice but #Trump!

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THERE is NO other choice but #Trump!


Dear Citizens of America,

I have a call to arms to all for today! We MUST#Vote Trump in this coming election!

I have listened to other sides besides my Pro-Trump view and listened clearly to these speaking against #Trump but NOT for #Hillary. Whatever your views, at this point in the election – there are 2 choices (whether or not they were your original). It is cut and dried.

I haven’t spoken to many very Pro Hillary, because I am blessed and don’t really know any. I have though read their #Twitter posts and they are disturbing. Most hearken back to her being a woman & having a vagina, well guess what, I have a vagina and don’t care about that. We tried a First with Obama and that did not work out well. I am all for a woman President when we find the right one. Hillary is NOT that candidate. I have also seen and heard their denial of anything #Hillary has been proven guilty of and wonder how people can turn away from physical proof of her wrong doing and lying.

TRUMP VS Hillary

You either Vote for #Hillary who is Anti-American, pro globalism or VOTE #Trump who is PRO-American and Anti-Globalism. To me it is that simple. I am amazed how people I know and love can be so against a man, Trump, who I just think is terrific. I believe people who do not know Trump or know of his many successes in NY have been swayed by the media smears. I have to admit, I do NOT know all the negative #Trump things they tell me because I will NOT read all the Progressive left wing rags trashing him.

I do KNOW what I have heard Mr. Trump say and it resonates with me. I am pro 2A, I am pro-Constitution and I am for The WALL and vetting of refugees. I have attended a Trump Rally and saw nothing but positivity and love there in line and during the rally.

Trump may not come across as polished as elites and “highly” educated people desire, but I believe Trump is speaking from the heart and really does want to help America. That to me is enough. Trump may say things that are brash and coarse, but is that going to hurt you or America?

I don’t want to get down in the mud, but to even contemplate a Vote for #Hillary or sabotaging #Trump just doesn’t make sense to me.

I, as many of my fellow #TrumpSupporters, can not understand how the #Reps like #PaulRyan #MittRomney, and the likes of #GlenBeck and others who have jumped ship and outright disrespect Trump as the #Rep nominee can in clear conscience do these things. Are they truly evil, too like #Hillary and not care what happens to America as long as they are protected by their cushy gov’t. jobs or media jobs and want more wealth?

This election is one of the 1st I have been so adamant about. I was no Romney/Ryan fan in the beginning but decided to jump in with them when it was them or Obama. I defended both and spoke to people about them vs Obama. I started to believe in them as the campaign went on as an Independent who leans right. I backed them because it was either them or Obama, so to me some who cannot accept #Trumps phenomenon nor some of his brash talk should remember this very same nose-holding many of us did last time and as a Party do it this time.

I believe the #American citizens who just want a better life in America with Law & Order again, less taxes and common sense values really want Trump. It is THAT simple, Trump truly wants better for all of us……people need to cut through the BS of the garbage issues like Trumps taxes, Trump’s words on tape 11 yrs. ago and focus on what is important.

Our very future hangs on this Vote, do you really want #Hillary deciding the next bunch of Supreme Court votes, where she & they will change the very fabric of America and American freedoms?

If you are ready to throw stones and hold grudges against Trump for his words how about #Hillary’s words which to me seem so much more dire and will affect my life, my childrens and my grandchildrens lives negatively. That to me is the point….

It is  > Hillary VS Trump< and you must make a choice

Please remember that you should NOT believe Mainstream Media, you must do your own homework and make an educated choice……Please think about it long and hard.

Hillary has been proven guilty of many things that the #MSM and supporters love to ignore & eschew …She did abuse & torment #Bills victims, she does want Globalism, she lies constantly and not for the People’s good, she was guilty of Whitewater and Benghazi. She speaks negatively and derogatively about most “groups” of Americans except herself and fellow Elites.

Trump is the change we need. He supports Police, American safety, will build a wall and is NOT out for himself. He wants to cut taxes, support better education and get rid of ObamaCare. Please keep that in mind when voting……..

Thank you for reading….

Evelyn Garone

Posted in 2016 Presidential Candidates, bullshit, Clinton, Clnton, Trump, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

I’m Baaaaack!

I have not written in a looong time, but didn’t feel the need nor the motivation. Now, things are different.

I don’t know if it’s the political climate in this country or the major renovations I have decided to undertake in my house but I am not sleeping well & wake up jangled every morning. So, I’m here to talk about it.

Currently, the country is a mess, a bigger mess than it has been in years. Thanks #Obama and crew!

#Charlotte, NC is now a war zone, thanks to #Obama’s failed policies. He has caused more racial division than we’ve seen since the likes of the 60’s. #BLM & others “supposedly” angry with the way young black men are being treated and killed by the police are rioting in the streets like a pack of angry dogs. I would understand a peaceful protest which is what it’s supposed to be, but it has degenerated into outright mayhem. Some of the “protesters” are terrorizing other citizens, businesses and the #police. I can’t say I can understand black people’s strifes, I am afterall white, but I do believe that obeying the law would help

It is shameful and horrendous to see the progress we had made in this wonderful country in race relations blown away before our very eyes in 8 yrs. Is it all a plot to help the disintegration of #America as we knew her? Are there darker forces at work behind the scene? I’m sure some people protesting are really doing it because they believe in their cause, but many have disinformation and are acting on that.

Police seem to get no respect nor are allowed to do their jobs in this current #America. I tip my hat to the police, for having a thankless job, to protect the citizenry from those who would break the law is not an easy job, especially when being harassed, antagonized, catcalled and disrespected.

The height of hypocrisy is rampantly alive in #America. Those same people who do not respect police and our laws will be the very same who want protection under the law. I don’t understand how that is supposed to work. I don’t believe I am alone in my thinking.

There are so many citizens who are perplexed and horrified by the racial unrest. We personally have done nothing to exacerbate it, foment it nor cause it. I have nothing but respect for my fellow citizens who love and respect #America and her laws whatever their race, creed or color …but when you do not respect the laws, you are part of the problem.

That is all for now…….

© Evelyn Garone 9/23/16
Posted in America, First Amendment, Freedom, Rants, rights, Riots, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Wide Spread Liberal Views


Ya know, I used to be able to listen to many differing opinions on the radio and television but I find myself having a hard time swallowing the hard line liberal agenda being shoved down my throat everywhere I turn. I live in Arizona and one of the radio stations is KTAR where it seems to have taken a hard liberal turn lately. To be told that I must accept the Gay Marriage vote with equanimity when it is against everything I was raised to believe just doesn’t sit well with me. On my Twitter feed I know I’m not alone. The President did not need to spike the football by lighting the White House (The People’s House) in Rainbow Colors to celebrate the win by the SCOTUS vote when he was for, then against then for gay marriage all depending on which way the wind was blowing…perhaps he should make up his damn mind, if he has one?!

As for television, I don’t think it’s necessary to see men kissing men and women kissing women, again to forward this agenda to make it mainstream. No, I’m not homophobic I’m just sick of having the gay agenda shoved down my throat by the minority. That’s right, the minority. The gay vote, and that’s what we’re talking about here…that’s why this has become tantamount, the  3% of Americans are making a lot if noise because they are not getting what they want. Then by extension a lot of others feel guilty or think they are just so special, wonderful, inclusive or liberal for backing this vote though it is actually unlawful as hell and exclusive. I don’t have anything against gays, I don’t care what you do in your bedroom, but don’t force me to be a party to it, don’t force me to be a part of it, don’t force me to condone it and to celebrate it. What you choose to do is your business, let’s keep it that way.

Why do we all have to be so sexually explicit anyway? I have no sexuall hangups, but why do we all have to act out on screen? What ever happened to people’s imaginations? Whatever happened to old glamorous Hollywood where the sexy people walked into the bedroom, dimmed the lights, and you imagined what happened? Then we wonder why children and teens are so sexually active, so sexually exploited, so curious, dress so provocatively, act out, etc. Well, movies, television, video games, et al. aren’t helping.

These are the thoughts running around my head.

What do you think?

© Evelyn Garone 6.30.16

Posted in Anti-Obama, Conservatives, creative writing, Democrats, Entertainment, Liberal views | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

For Love Of Twitter


I’ve been TWEETing a lot lately, mostly political and I’m really enjoying it. You can learn a lot about the Constitution and what’s going on in the political landscape. Perhaps if more people did this they would know what is going on in America!

There are many opinions which are great when there is intelligent discussion but when it descends to obnoxious trolling it’s a shame. I haven’t had the unfortunate opportunity to have to deal with that yet and hope not to as I’m not great with confrontation you can’t reason with.

Some of the jokes are hilarious and opinions abound that are quite amusing.

It’s been a learning experience and fun. I’m getting a lot of followers and following a lot of interesting people. As a whole I am enjoying the experience!

© Evelyn Garone

Posted in creative writing, Humor, politics, Twitter | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

HP Delivery of Printer Cartridges is Inherently Stupid!

NOHP Nofedex

I’m writing this blog to inform my reading public of a Service Announcement. Beware if you get an email for printer cartridges through the mail at 20% from HP. Yes, they will happily charge you right away and try to deliver by FedEx, but you must be home to sign for them. The reason someone would order through the mail is for EASE and their process is anything but simple.

After the 1st attempt by Fed Ex to deliver which was a bust for I wasn’t home I had to make phone call after phone call to get the matter straightened out. Usually other things I order will be left at my door, if I’m not home. NOT so for HP printer cartridges. Perhaps they are afraid of theft, I don’t know their skewed thought process.

As I phoned FedEx for tracking, they couldn’t do anything for me except try to deliver 2 more times, leave at their depot across the city, defeating the whole concept of DELIVERY if I couldn’t be home the 3 days they decided to deliver.

After speaking to the first person on the phone at HP requesting as FedEx suggested to have them call and delete need for signature, after girding the barrier of English I was foisted on a “supervisor” who needed to speak to another supervisor to request no signature. For some reason this is their policy which they will not change at your request. This is not expressly stated on the original email, perhaps making people now that I’ve informed them rethink the whole purchase.

Now I am waiting for a refund to my account I purchased with…..and I have no confidence this will go smoothly.

FYI do not order from HP on-line for home delivery if you will not be able to be home in the next week or so for delivery. It is futile!!

Just my rant for today…..

© Evelyn Garone 4.28.15

Posted in FedEx, home delivery, HP Products, nightmare, rant | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Great Quote


Excellent sentiment…..

© Evelyn Garone 4.21.15

Posted in Albert Einstein, miracles, positivity, quotes, uplifting quotes | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Twitter & Instagram

crazy woman

I haven’t written anything here in a long time……I used to write almost everyday, but somehow I have just lost the urge to communicate my thoughts through this medium at the present time. Perhaps that’s part of the journey….we’re always changing.

It’s hard to write when you don’t get feedback….as if you’re shouting to the mountains and getting no echo back.

My Twitter account has been pretty active….perhaps people like the quick give and take that goes on there. I know I feel validated when my tweets are retweeted or favorited…

So, perhaps I’ll start writing again…..when motivated, but it’s so much more gratifying to share a quick photo on INSTAGRAM and get immediate responses……knowing someone somewhere gives a shit what I’m doing.

Just sayin’

What do you think?

© Evelyn Garone 4.17.15

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